Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Google Translate Saves My Ass Google translate and screenshot both saved my butt. Once, i found a translation of a hymn from a Veda...but i wanted to include the original Sanskrit as well. You know what I found out really fast? Microsoft word doesn't recognize most of the characters in the Sanskrit language (spelled phonetically, not the symbols that resemble Hindi). So I had to go to the website I found it on, zoom my browser in, take a screenshot, open it in Photoshop, crop it down to just the Sanskrit, and include it in the book as an image.

THEN...i was writing about a historical figure and his contributions, and when I clicked a link for the text of one of his works i found the page was completely in french. Fortunately, Google offered to automatically translate it for me, so not only was I able to include the french, but also the English for the sake of the readers. I don't know about you, but I don't speak your moonman language.

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